Sunday, May 11, 2014

Redefining Ourselves (Breaking Free of the Numbers)

The world we live in is obsessed with defining ourselves by numbers. Numbers are everywhere, consuming us; they are our way of life. We define our age, weight, height, relationships, time, everything by numbers. We are all guilty of defining ourselves this way and I can honestly say I've been a slave to numbers ever since I can remember. Who hasn't counted down the minutes until their next vacation, religiously measured our bodies, judged people by their dress size and rushed around as to not be late for that 2:00 doctor's appointment?

As women there is one number we guard and hide, more than any other, with our lives; as if someone found out they would not like us anymore, we would be shunned, a disgrace, gross, disgusting, not good enough, our husbands would no longer look at us, our houses would burn down, the guy on the bus would give us strange looks, the stars would no longer shine and our lives would be over. At least this is how I feel about the number we use to measure our weight.

I am currently learning one very important thing and that is - numbers are just numbers. Like everything, we (people) are what give numbers their power. If this is true, why then do we choose to give something that can be so harmful to our being such power? I don't know the answer to this, but, what I do know is my weight is not my truth and I refuse to let it define me any longer.

We must face our fears head on and only then we will be granted freedom. We are who we choose to be.

Me (Defined by numbers):
I am 24 years old
My shoe size is 6.5
I am 5'3"
AND I currently weigh 228.4 lbs (my heaviest).

Me (Redefined)
I am a beautiful, smart, young, book obsessed, documentary loving, runner's high fanatic, meditation new be, music crazy, clumsy, jumbled, mind racing, cheese lover, yogi want a be, caring friend, dancing sporadically, therapeutic shopping addict, mother (to my kitty), sister, daughter, cousin, aunt & wife.

If we all gave our numbers less power, what kind of world would we live in? Perhaps, a world less obsessed with deciding our worth by the number on the scale. A world where people are kind to themselves and others. A world with less diets and all the pain and misery that goes with them. We can have this kind of world.

Please join me on my journey of re-defining myself & Be the change you wish to see in the world. 

My Starting Point (aka before picture):

With Peace, Love & Kindness,


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