Tuesday, April 29, 2014

$100 Grocery Budget Breakdown- Week of 4/29/14

 I recently came across this blog called One Income Family Living, where this stay-at-home mom details her weekly $50 grocery budget and how she spends it. I am very impressed that she is able to spend $50 for a family of four (or is it five now?). I haven't explored the blog thoroughly yet, but I imagine that they must grow a lot of their own food too. Although I would love to be able to grow our own vegetables, it isn't really something that we have been able to do before. We recently moved into a new home, and we are still busy getting things settled inside the house and haven't even begun to think about what to do outside, so the garden will probably have to wait until next year when I am a little more organized.

For our family of four (sometimes five), my goal is to keep our weekly grocery budget below $100. Most weeks I come in under budget, but there are the occasional weeks when we need something extra that puts me over. I'd like to try to lower the budget a bit more, but for our lifestyle right now, I think that $100 is a reasonable amount. If I were to start getting into coupons and shopping the sales, then I could probably get it lower, but that just sounds like a lot of work that I don't have the time (or rather the patience) to sit down and figure out.

I do my grocery shopping on Tuesdays, so my week starts on that day. Here is my breakdown for this week. Items marked with (*) indicate items that I only buy for school lunches. Anything that is italicized is an item that wasn't originally on my list, but I picked up because they were a special buy, or on sale this week. I am choosing to include non-food items in the budget only if they are food related.