Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hole in One

My husband is obsessed with golf and what I mean by that is, he golfs every single day from Open until Close. He not only golfs once a day, but, more often than not, 2-3 times a day. We even have yellow practice balls scattered around the house, because snow is an awful thing for a golfer and where I live, we have long winters. 

A box arrived at our door step two weeks before Christmas last year. The box gave away all its secrets with a large picture plastered on each side, revealing a golf set. At first I was furious, thinking he did not just buy a whole new golf set for himself two weeks before Christmas, and then I noticed.....it's pink! Oh joy......

Golf is a sport I always thought to be rather boring, slow and something that would never keep my interest. The only thing that has ever interested me about golf is the outfits. I would love nothing more than to feel confident in a cute outfit while teeing off in front of what always seems like a huge crowd. Of course, right now I don't even feel confident in my socks let alone a skirt & polo..... 

Every night since the course has opened, I have gone with my husband to the golf course. Every night I feel uncomfortable in my too-tight, old running clothes and discouraged after each failed attempt to hit the ball. I could have hit him if he said one more time "Golf is a very frustrating sport, Sweetheart", in his oh-so-calm voice. I decided by the end of the first night, this sport is so not for me, but having spent the extra $100 on a couples' membership, and having a brand new set of cute (pink breast cancer) clubs, I decided I would stick with it. 

By the third time I went golfing, I started to realize something; I was falling in love with a sport I hated. After telling myself numerous times, you look fine and it takes practice and for god's sake, just breathe, I was starting to get the hang of it. I wasn't just connecting with the ball, but also with my husband in a way that brought me joy. I felt energized from walking up and down the course every night. I felt in the moment, alert and aware. The sun was shining, the grass green, birds chirping, and I was having fun! Golf has made me realize, who cares what other people think, life is too short to not do something you might like because you don't think you look cute in the outfit, or you're afraid of sucking at it. I have sat too many years on the sideline watching other people do things I wanted to do, thinking to myself, well, you can try that when you're skinny. Life's too short to think like that, and the thing is, you will never get to your goal with that kind of mindset. 

So go ahead, try something new, you might just like it. And keep a lookout because I'm pretty sure they will be naming a drink after me soon, that's just how good I am!

With peace, love & kindness,

(ex-softball player trying a swing at golf)

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